Don’t poison your life – Forgiveness
Are you finding it hard to forgive someone for something? If you want to move on with your life in a more positive healthy way then it is important that you find some way to forgive and forget, even if the other person was at fault.
If you don’t forgive, you carry the associated negative emotions around with you. These emotions will eventually start to affect your well being. When you think about how this person treated you, negative emotions will automatically come to the surface and continue to poison you and your body.
It is a bit like you taking a sip out of a bottle of poison each day and hoping the person you need to forgive will get sick from it. While you do this to yourself, they are most likely off somewhere enjoying life, maybe relaxing on a tropical island.
Forgiveness is never easy. It is tough, but it is worth it for your own good. Have a think about it, like everything in life it is your decision.
Posted in: Personal Growth
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