Don’t let your Paradigms stop you

Are you finding it hard to achieve a goal?….. especially a big goal.

One of the reasons for this could be your paradigms.  They always automatically work against you.


A paradigm is simply a multitude of habits that have been programmed into your mind over time.  These habits affect the way you think, what you believe in and how you act and therefore they affect the results you get.

Think of it this way – A paradigm is like your own personal computer program in your mind. It works like a thermostat on an air conditioning system running on auto. If you set the thermostat on 25 degrees the sensors will constantly monitor the air temperature and will automatically make adjustments when needed to keep the temperature at 25 degrees.

The paradigms in your mind work in a similar way.  They will automatically try and bring you back to your old habits and your old way of thinking.

We can all relate to this when we think of the times we have set new year’s resolutions. You have all the good intentions at the time you set your goal, but after a few weeks or days you will find yourself back to your old habits and your resolution has been forgotten.

To overcome the old paradigm, you will need to work at overriding it with a new paradigm.  Think of it like reprogramming yourself by installing a new computer program.

The only way to do this, is to constantly picture yourself having already achieved the goal.  This can be done by reading and visualising your goal.  To be effective, you need to do this visualising several times a day.

This process is not easy, but it is critical to your success.  Your focus and persistence will pay off.   In time, your old paradigm will be replaced by the new paradigm.  You will then have a new image of yourself with renewed faith and self-belief.

I hope this is information is helpful to you as you go about achieving your goals.

All the best


Posted in: Setting Goals

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