A trick to help you keep a positive attitude

Discover a simple trick you can use to help you become more positive. Are you ready to be more positive? The key is to guard your thoughts.

 Positive thinking

Think of a thought as being like a spark that lights a fire. The more fuel (thoughts) you give it, the bigger the fire will become. Therefore, it is important that you become AWARE when you are thinking of something negative.

Replace the negative spark with a positive spark (thought). Then add more fuel (more positive thoughts) to your fire. If you can master this simple skill over time you will you will become more positive and you will attract more positivity into your life. I hope this helps you and I welcome your comment.

Positive mind

Remember if a spark of negativity is left unchecked it can turn into an out of control negative fire in your mind.

You need to maintain a fire of positivity in our mind.

If you keep practising this skill, you will find you will automatically become more positive.

All the best with this,


Posted in: Positive Attitude

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